Intermediate Weaving with Kallia Walkowiak 2025

Intermediate Weaving with Kallia Walkowiak 2025


Wednesday, October 22, 2025

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM (with a 30 minute lunch break)

Class Fee: $145/ WMQFA Members (with member code); $170/Non Members

Kit Fee: $25 included in price

Workshop Description:

For the intermediate weaving class, students should have familiarity with a 4-shaft table

loom and understand the process of making a warp and dressing the loom, as well as

the basics of weaving.

We will be making a small bird's eye sampler with a focus on playing with color interest

between weft and warp, as well as how variation in yarn weights effects a finished

piece. WMQFA has yarn options on hand but if there is something in your stash you

think would make interesting weft feel free to bring it along!

*4-heddled table top looms, warping board, and shuttles are supplied for use during class.

(You may also bring your own 4 heddle table loom- with prior approval. Please email to request approval.)

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Supply List

  • pair of scissors

  • note taking supplies

About the artist:

My name is Kallia Walkowiak, I’m 27 years old and I’ve been a fiber artist in one form or another for about 8 of those. I learned to weave from a local class several years ago, and it felt like coming home. I’ve incorporated weaving into my life as much as possible ever since. I find the steps meditative and it’s a great way to feel a connection to fiber history. I dove into teaching this craft as soon as I was able. I have a massive passion for both the individual process of weaving, as well as the insight it gives into what goes into making the textiles we take for granted in our everyday lives. I like to say that none of the steps of weaving are hard on their own, there’s just a lot of them. I know the process of getting started weaving can feel intimidating to new weavers, so I strive to keep the classes a relaxed and welcoming environment to people of all skill levels and learning styles. I want to give space for people to feel comfortable learning (and making mistakes!) in my classes. We’re here to explore a beautiful craft, not stress ourselves out worrying over perfection in a new art form.

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